God, if you’ve ever crossed a Pisces in the wrong way, you’ll know that they can be known for their temper.
I wasn’t aware of it, and so when I first experienced an angry outburst of a Pisces, I wondered if this might be really dangerous!
Of course, I wanted to figure out how to prevent that in the future, so I started researching the reasons why Pisces are known for their temper, as well as what you can do about it!
I don’t want anyone to be in a scary situation like that, so if that’s you, I hope this article will help you out!
Can Pisces be dangerous when angry?
If you are with a Pisces you are probably wondering if they can actually be dangerous when angry.
I can tell you that Pisces are generally not dangerous when angry.
They might be known for their temper, but they are not dangerous people.
So if you’ve heard stories about Pisces being scary and dangerous when they get angry, then don’t worry about it!
Pisces are not dangerous people, even though they can get a bit s when they’re mad.
Just like any other zodiac sign, it completely depends on the person themselves whether they act on their temper or not.
You see, I was dating a Pisces who had the typical Pisces temper, but the thing is, he was still a good guy who could control his emotions.
I’m not saying that all Pisces can control their emotions, but I’m sure some of them can.
So are Pisces dangerous when angry?
No, they’re not dangerous when angry.
They might be known for their temper and get out of control sometimes, but they’re not dangerous people.
That said, I don’t want you to get into a situation where you have to deal with an angry Pisces!
The thing is, it doesn’t really matter if someone is a Pisces, a Libra, a Cancer, or any other sign – if they have anger issues and scare you, that’s a problem.
But simply having a temper usually is nothing to worry about.
Just so you understand: when I talk about having a temper, I mean getting way too worked up over something small and then maybe storming off for a few minutes.
That was my experience, it was never anything violent or scary.
But I know some Pisces who do get violent and scary when they’re mad, so it’s good to know how to deal with them!
Like I just mentioned, it depends on the person themselves whether they will act on their temper or not.
Are you giving them what they want?
I think the most important thing to ask yourself before we dive into the different reasons why Pisces have a temper is whether or not you are giving them what they want.
You see, if you want a healthy and happy relationship, you need to understand Pisces people at their core.
What makes them tick? Why do they lash out?
When I was in that situation, I didn’t really know how to get to the bottom of this, until I discovered this super helpful s from renowned astrologer Anna Kovich.
In it, she really taught me what Pisces people need in relationships and how you can be with them and make them want to be with you!
But let’s talk about the reasons why Pisces have a temper in the first place and what you can do to avoid triggering them!
1) They’re emotional beings
This is probably the biggest reason that Pisces are known for their temper.
They are an emotional sign. They’re very sensitive and can be easily hurt by the words of others.
On the bright side, they can be incredibly empathetic, understanding, and compassionate.
They truly feel what’s going on around them, and that can make them very sensitive to the words and actions of others.
You see, they can be sitting in a room where everyone is laughing, and they’ll still feel like everyone is s them, even though everyone is actually laughing with each other.
Pisces are very kind people who want to be liked.
They’re sensitive and caring, which is something everyone should admire about them.
But it can also be something that gets them in trouble, especially when they’re in a situation where they aren’t sure whether or not they’re welcome.
Because they are so s, it is easy for them to let their emotions get the best of them.
They can be extremely sensitive and easily hurt by the words of others.
Sometimes, you need to tell someone no when they ask for something that isn’t a good idea for them.
And sometimes, someone will push your buttons so hard that you have no choice but to get mad!
It’s hard for Pisces not to let their emotions get the best of them sometimes!
2) They take everything very personally
This is another reason why Pisces are known for their temper.
Pisces can take everything very personally.
If they’re in a situation where they’re not sure whether they’re welcome, they might take it as a personal attack.
They might assume that the other people in the room are laughing at them.
Pisces are very kind people who want to be liked. They’re sensitive and caring, which is something everyone should admire about them.
But it can also be something that gets them in trouble, especially when they’re in a situation where they aren’t sure whether or not they’re welcome.
In my own experience, Pisces don’t always understand humor very well.
You see, I’m a pretty sarcastic person, and I make a lot of jokes – about everyone, including me!
However, when I was with a s, they did not appreciate that at all.
The thing is, he would take every little joke personally and then brood over it for hours.
I learned quickly that you can’t joke about people with Pisces, because they take everything very personally.
From then onwards, I refrained from making him the punchline of my jokes.
3) They’re kind until you betray them
Pisces have a very strong sense of morality.
They don’t like to be around people who are crude, rude, or mean.
They have a high standard for their friends, family, and acquaintances.
And for a long time, they’re very kind and friendly towards everyone. They’re welcoming and accepting.
But once you’ve betrayed their trust, they’re not going to take s.
Pisces are very loyal friends. They’ll stand by you during the good times and the bad.
But if you break their trust, you’re done.
You’ve lost the most important thing they had to offer. Pisces are very forgiving, but once they close the door on you, there’s no going back.
You see, I haven’t personally experienced this, but I know friends who went through something similar.
Tiny things that made their Pisces partner slightly suspicious (even if there was no reason for it), made them blow up and get angry.
I’ve heard a lot of stories about Pisces who had trust issues.
They’re incredibly loyal and faithful as long as you don’t break their s.
But if you do, they won’t forgive you.
4) A relationship coach tells you more
To be honest with you, I was at a loss for what to do in my relationship with a Pisces man.
I didn’t want to keep triggering his temper, but I also couldn’t find a way to deal with it when he did get angry.
That’s when I resorted back to the last thing I thought I’d do: I talked to a relationship coach.
Now: I had always thought that would mean that the relationship was doomed, but to be honest, this coach was great!
They helped us out and gave us tips on how to healthily communicate, even when my partner’s temper was triggered!
So, I don’t know if it floats your boat, but it’s worth a try if you want to work on your relationship:
5) They are very sensitive
Pisces are s. They can be easily hurt by the words of others.
They’re very kind and friendly until you betray them.
Pisces have a hard time staying silent when they’ve been slighted.
They are very eager to speak their mind when someone has hurt them.
The good news?
Pisces are very loyal friends. They’ll stand by you during the good times and the bad.
But if you break their trust, you’re done.
The thing is, because Pisces care so much (which is a really positive thing, actually), they are also incredibly sensitive.
When your tone of voice changes slightly, Pisces will probably notice and interpret it in a negative way.
They will most likely be hurt and take it personally.
This sensitivity can be an asset when they work in fields where they need to be s or creative.
But it can also be a liability because they might take things too personally.
Sometimes I wonder how tiring it must be to be this incredibly sensitive!
6) They don’t want anyone bursting their bubble
Pisces are very sensitive people. They don’t want anyone bursting their bubble.
They want to keep their emotions to themselves and don’t want anyone to burst that bubble.
They don’t want anyone to ask them questions about their emotions and they definitely don’t want anyone to tell them how they should be feeling.
Pisces want to be able to keep their emotions to themselves if they choose to do so and not have to talk about them with anyone.
They don’t want anyone trying to burst their bubble and ask them questions about their emotions.
They also don’t want anyone trying to tell them how they should be feeling.
When you go to a Pisces and you try to burst their bubble on anything, be it something they believe in or anything else, they might lose their cool and start yelling at you.
It’s not that they don’t like you, but it’s just that they are very sensitive people who don’t want to be forced to burst their bubble.
7) They sometimes feel like their feelings are invalidated
Pisces have very deep feelings and are highly s.
When they’re in a relationship, their partner might have the tendency to invalidate their feelings.
Pisces sometimes feel like the people in their lives don’t take them seriously and don’t take their feelings seriously.
One way to respond to Pisces’ temper when they’re angry is to take their feelings seriously.
Pisces might respond to something with anger because they feel like no one is taking their feelings seriously enough.
Trust me, when you have a temper, the last thing you need is someone not taking you seriously, that can really bring you over the edge.
But with Pisces, feeling invalidated can actually trigger their temper.
When I was in that situation, I learned that the best thing to do is to listen to Pisces without judgment and simply try to understand where they were coming from.
By doing so, they were able to calm down quickly, and then we could talk about what was going on.
8) They don’t respond well to criticism
Pisces don’t respond well to criticism. When they’re critiqued, they might burst out in anger.
Pisces are very kind people who want to be liked.
They’re sensitive and caring, which is something everyone should admire about them.
But it can also be something that gets them in trouble, especially when they’re in a situation where they aren’t sure whether or not they’re welcome.
Trust me, if there is one sign that doesn’t quite get the whole point of constructive criticism, it’s Pisces.
They don’t like criticism, and they don’t want to hear anything that makes them feel like they’re not good enough.
You might want to be careful with criticizing them if you two are in a relationship.
Criticism can really hurt Pisces’ feelings, and they may end up bursting out in anger at you.
It’s best to just keep your criticism constructive and positive so that Pisces doesn’t feel attacked by it.
Even then, there is a chance that they take it the wrong way and actually burst out in anger.
Not gonna lie, this can make them a bit difficult to live with at times, as they don’t like to be told that something needs to change.
9) They can’t stand pushy people
Pisces don’t like pushy people. They’re sensitive, caring, and kind people.
They don’t like being pushed, and they definitely don’t like being pushed into a decision.
Pisces are very open-minded people who want to be sure that whatever choice they make is the right one.
Pisces want to be able to make the right decision for themselves.
They want to feel like they’ve thought the decision through and that it’s the right one for them.
When you push Pisces into making a decision or doing something, they will most probably respond in anger, or even burst out in tears.
They don’t like being pushed, and they don’t like being forced into a decision.
Pisces needs time to think things through and make sure that they’re making the right decision for themselves.
You might want to be careful if you have a tendency to be pushy because Pisces don’t respond well to it, at all.
They’ll probably end up fighting back at you with words that can feel pretty harsh if you’re not used to their kind of personality.
So, in that situation, you better try to be less pushy!
10) They like their privacy
Pisces like their privacy, and they don’t respond well to being pushed into opening up.
When you try to pry into their personal lives and ask them questions they don’t want to answer, they might burst out in anger.
You see, their privacy is important to them, and so they really don’t respond well to nosy people or people who try to pry into their personal lives.
They like to keep certain things about themselves to themselves, and they don’t want others to know all of their secrets.
They’ll probably end up getting pretty defensive if you try to pry into their personal lives, and they may even get angry with you for it.
So, in that situation, it’s best to just let Pisces have their privacy and not pry into things they don’t want you to know about them.
11) Pisces have a hard time staying silent
This is another reason why Pisces are known for their temper.
Pisces have a hard time staying silent when they’ve been slighted.
They have a very short temper and are very eager to speak their mind when someone has hurt them.
They might interrupt someone who’s talking to them or blurt something out that was better left unsaid.
You see, when it comes to their own sense of righteousness and justice, Pisces are very passionate.
They can’t just let it go when they’re angry or hurt. They have to speak up.
And when they do, it’s usually quite a scene.
Because they can’t stay silent, that obviously makes them seem like they have a temper. Unlike other signs, they can’t just swallow their pride for a moment and step back.
Is it difficult to deal with them?
Now: you may think that being with a Pisces Partner is difficult, but it’s actually a lot better than you’d think.
Sure, there are a few things you might want to keep in mind, but all in all, Pisces aren’t difficult to be with.
They simply need to be listened to.