Is a Cancer man eyeing you down? As uncomfortable as it may seem, a lot of the times, there is some pretty strong meaning behind a Cancer man’s stare!
Let’s take a look at 11 things it means when a Cancer man stares at you:
1) He’s romantically interested
Cancer men are deeply romantically interested in women they find attractive.
If a Cancer man is staring at you, chances are he is very interested in you.
Why is he not saying anything?
Well, if you are being stared at by a Cancer man and he is not trying to talk to you, it is because he is too shy to approach you.
When a Cancer man stares at you, he is looking for a sign that you are interested too.
He may be trying to figure out when the best moment to talk to you will be. If you want to make it easier for him, try smiling and making eye contact with him.
You see, Cancer men are especially shy, so if they like you, they may not always make a move right away!
2) He has a crush on you
Cancer men fall quickly and deeply in love.
They are intensely loyal and devoted lovers. If he has a crush on you, he will be staring at you.
He will also most likely blush if you catch him staring. He is probably thinking about you a lot and hoping that he can get the courage to talk to you soon.
If you catch him staring at you, do not ignore him (at least if you like him, too).
Make eye contact with him and try to give him a smile to let him know you noticed him staring.
This will help him to gather the courage he needs to talk to you.
Crushes can be hard and you don’t always know how to approach someone right away, so you can try and make things a bit easier for him!
3) You bring out his inner hero
A huge reason for staring at you could be that you bring out this man’s inner hero.
There’s actually a psychological term for what I’m talking about here. It’s called the ‘hero instinct’.
This concept is generating a lot of buzz at the moment as a way to explain what really drives men in relationships.
I know it might all seem kind of silly. In this day and age, women don’t need someone to rescue them. They don’t need a ‘hero’ in their lives.
But this misses the point about what the hero instinct is all about.
The hero instinct is an instinctive need that men have to step up to the plate for the woman in their lives. This is deeply rooted in male biology.
When a man genuinely feels like your everyday hero, he’ll become more loving, attentive, and committed to being in a long-term relationship with you.
But how do you trigger this instinct in him?
The trick is to make him feel like a hero in an authentic way. And there are things you can say and messages you can send to trigger this natural biological instinct.
If you want some help doing this, check out James Bauer’s excellent free video here.
I don’t often recommend videos or buy into popular new concepts in psychology, but the hero instinct is one of the most fascinating concepts I’ve come across.
Here’s a link to his unique video again.
4) He wants to talk to you, but he’s nervous
Cancer men are incredibly shy and nervous around women they are interested in, especially women they do not know very well.
If you catch a Cancer man staring at you, but he seems very nervous around you and does not try to talk to you, he is probably wanting to talk to you, but he is nervous about it.
He might feel as though you are out of his league and be too nervous to approach you.
Again, if you notice a Cancer man staring at you, but he seems too shy to say hello to you, try to encourage him by smiling and making eye contact with him.
This will help him gather the courage he needs to talk to you.
You see, some guys are more nervous than others when it comes to approaching women.
Especially when he thinks you’re out of his league, he will be terrified of talking to you.
So, if you are feeling bold, you could try saying Hello when he stares at you again!
5) He doesn’t want to be boring
So, if this man wants to talk to you, a huge reason why he’s just staring is that he does not want to be boring.
You see, Cancer men are known to be deep and interesting, so his biggest fear is coming off as boring and predictable right away.
So, instead of doing anything about it, he is just staring at you, trying to find a good conversation starter.
If you want to inspire this man to talk, try saying something that will make him think about what he wants to say next.
For example, if you notice the man staring at you and he is not talking, then tell him that you have a question and ask him if he has any advice on how to solve it.
This will immediately spark up a conversation and hopefully, get him out of his loop of overthinking!
6) He’s trying to figure something out
Cancer men are incredibly curious people who love to learn new things.
If a Cancer man stares at you and then looks away in thought, he is probably trying to figure something out.
If you notice a Cancer man staring at you and then looking away in thought, try to engage him in conversation and see if you can help him with whatever he is trying to figure out.
He may just be trying to figure out if s, or he may be curious about something else.
You see, sometimes, Cancer men can be really indecisive about who they like.
This is why a lot of the time, they will be staring at you, lost in thought, and won’t even realize it!
7) He’s jealous of your relationship with someone else
Cancer men are insanely jealous people when it comes to their relationships.
They do not take kindly to other people trying to approach their partner.
If a Cancer man stares at you but then looks at your boyfriend/husband/partner/ a random guy with a jealous expression on his face, he is jealous of your relationship with the person you are with.
Cancer men are incredibly protective of their partners and want to make sure they are treating them well.
I know, you are not in a relationship yet, but Cancer men get very attached to the people they like, to the point of feeling jealous even though they aren’t even together yet!
If that’s the case, it’s almost a surefire sign that this man is really into you and wants you for himself!
This relates back to what I mentioned earlier: the hero instinct.
When a man is made to feel needed, wanted, and respected, he’s more likely to ask you out.
And it’s as simple as knowing the right things to say to trigger his hero instinct and make him into the man he’s always wanted to be.
All of that and more is revealed in this excellent free video by James Bauer. It’s absolutely worth checking out if you’re ready to take things to the next level with your man.
Here’s a link to the free video again.
8) He finds you intimidating
Cancer men are incredibly intuitive people who can pick up on your emotions and feelings without you even saying a word.
He may find you intimidating because he knows you make him feel nervous and anxious.
Simply put, if a Cancer man stares at you, but then looks away quickly and seems to be very anxious, he might find you intimidating.
Cancer men are kind and caring by nature, but they do not like to be put on the spot or feel pressured to do things they are not comfortable doing.
Cancer men are also very cautious people who like to take their time getting to know new people.
So, there is a good chance that this cancer man doesn’t know you very well yet and your behavior intimidates him a bit.
This doesn’t mean he thinks it’s bad, he might just be overwhelmed by you!
So, in order to help with that, you can smile at him and s!
9) You’ve done or said something that upset him
Cancer men are incredibly sensitive people who do not like to be put on the spot or pressured to do or say things they are not comfortable doing or saying.
If a Cancer man stares at you, but then looks away with a sad or angry expression on his face, he may have been annoyed or upset by something you said or did.
If you catch another person s and then looking away with an upset expression on their face, try to figure out when you did or said something that would have upset them.
You see, Cancer men will not always tell you right away when you’ve hurt them.
Instead, they will stare you down and hope that you get the clue.
10) You remind him of someone he cares about
Cancer men are incredibly sentimental people who often think about their loved ones.
If a Cancer man is staring at you, but you do not know anyone he knows, he may be thinking about someone he loves and you remind him of that person.
Cancer men often think about their loved ones and try to make sense of the way they feel about them.
If you catch a Cancer man staring at you, but he quickly gets a sad or dreamy expression on his face, he may be thinking about someone he loves.
You know, sometimes people remind us of someone, simply by the way they talk, dress, or express themselves.
Maybe you are that reminder for this man and he is thinking about a loved one!
11) He wants to make the first move
Cancer men are incredibly shy people who do not like to make the first move when it comes to dating.
They would rather wait for someone to make the first move towards them.
If you catch a Cancer man staring at you, but he does not try to talk to you, try making eye contact with him and giving him a smile to let him know you are interested in talking with him.
Cancer men are shy, but they do like confidence. Show him that you are interested in talking with him and he will be more likely to approach you.
You see, when it comes to this s, there is nothing wrong with being the one to initiate a conversation with him.
I know, if you are more traditional and don’t like that, it can be hard, but initiate a conversation and then leave the rest up to him.
Hopefully, he is confident enough to take matters into his own hands!
He probably likes you
Honestly, the most probable scenario is that this man s and simply doesn’t know what to say to you (yet)!
By now you should have a good idea of why this man is staring at you.
So what can you do to resolve this?
Well, I mentioned the unique concept of the hero instinct earlier. It’s revolutionized the way I understand how men work in relationships.
You see, when you trigger a man’s hero instinct, all those emotional walls come down. He feels better in himself and he’ll naturally begin to associate thoses with you.
And it’s all down to knowing how to trigger these innate drivers that motivate men to love, commit, and protect.
So if you’re ready to take your relationship to that level, be sure to check out James Bauer’s incredible advice.