Will a Scorpio man come back after no contact? Yes, by doing 10 things

If you’re wondering if your Scorpio man is going to come back if you go no contact, the answer is yes, but you have to do it right.

There’s no denying that the no contact rule is challenging, but it can be worth it in the long run.

It’s a simple strategy that forces him to see things from a different perspective. It forces him to evaluate the relationship and take stock of things.

No contact sends the message that you are not desperate and also strengthens your resolve towards standing up for yourself in the future.

Most importantly, it gives him time and space to miss you so he will come back with renewed affection.

Here’s how you can implement it effectively:

1) Set a time limit and stick to it

The first thing you need to decide is how long you want to go no contact.

Ideally, it should be long enough for your ex to miss you and for you to take some time for yourself.

The best way to go about setting a time limit is to look at your relationship as a whole.

Did it last a month? A year?

As a general rule, the shorter the relationship, the shorter the time period for no contact should be.

My advice for any long-term relationship (more than six months) is to go no contact for 30 days.

And one more thing, while you don’t want to tell your Scorpio man that you’re going to go no contact, you need to give him some kind of heads-up. After all, it will be incredibly strange and worrying if you just disappear from the face of the planet.

I suggest sending him a text along the lines, “I really hope we can stay friends but right now I need some space and time away from you…”

2) No contact means no contact

The no contact rule is a break in communication with your ex. It’s designed to give you space while also demonstrating to your ex that you’re committed to moving forward.

It’s a critical part of the relationship recovery process, so it’s essential you follow it faithfully.

The most important rule with the no contact rule is that you avoid all contact with your ex entirely. This includes phone calls, texts, emails, social media posts, and any other form of communication.

No contact really means no contact.

There are a few reasons why you should cut off all contact with your ex.

  • First, it gives your ex time to miss you and think about what they’re losing.
  • Second, it gives you time to cool off and not act on impulse.
  • Finally, it gives you time to prepare your own strategy for getting back together with your ex.

*Here’s a tip: It might help you to block your ex’s number on your phone.

3) Avoid running into him

You need to come up with a plan to avoid running into your Scorpio man.

This means that if your ex lives nearby and you often walk by his building, you should find an alternative (longer) route to where you want to go.

You should also avoid visiting places where you used to go together, like your favorite restaurant or his favourite pub – basically stay away from all places you might run into him.

You don’t want to risk seeing him and then having to start the no contact rule over from scratch.

If you work with your ex, you need to avoid him whenever possible and only speak to him about work-related topics. It’s not an ideal situation, but you have to be professional.

4) Unfollow him on social media

I know it may seem unfair, but you should also unfollow your ex on social media.

It’s a way to make sure you’re not communicating in any way. It’s easy to send a message that you’re still interested in him if you’re still following him online.

Following his every move on social media is not good for your well-being and also increases the chances of you giving in and liking or commenting on something he posted.

Stay strong! It will be worth it in the end.

5) Tell your friends that you don’t want to talk about him

If you’re still in touch with your mutual friends from before the breakup, it’s a good idea to let them know you don’t want to talk about your Scorpio ex right now.

Take it from me, sticking to the no contact rule is hard enough without your friends constantly bringing up your ex.

It might seem weird at first to tell your friends that you don’t want to talk about your ex, but it will help you stay focused on your goals. If you’re with friends and they slip and start talking about your ex, just smile, shrug, and politely change the subject.

It’s hard to do at first, but the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

6) Ignore any messages he sends you

Ignore any messages your ex sends you during no contact.

Don’t respond to emails, don’t respond to texts, and don’t respond to voicemails.

I know, I know, it’s tempting to respond to a voicemail, even if you know you shouldn’t, but it’s important not to give in to that temptation.

Ignoring his messages shows that you’re not desperate to talk to him, and it also gives him time to think about what he did that made you want to break up with him in the first place.

7) Give yourself time to heal

I’ve had my share of breakups and I know how messy and painful they can be.

If you just ended things with your Scorpio man and you regret the breakup, you’ll feel like you need to get him back right away. But that’s not a good idea.

Apart from giving him some space and a chance to miss you, you also need some time for yourself to heal and reflect.

When you break up with someone, you’ll likely experience some intense emotions. These emotions include sadness, desperation, and anger. That’s why it’s important that you give yourself time to heal from the breakup so that you can deal with these emotions.

Dealing with your emotions will also ensure that you don’t say something you don’t mean to your ex in the heat of the moment when you’re angry and frustrated.

All in all, the no contact rule is great because it will give you time to heal and clear your head so that when your Scorpio man comes back to you, you can move forward instead of making the same mistakes of the past.

8) Focus on self-care

Self-care is something that most people don’t think about when they’re going through a breakup, but it’s incredibly important.

Self-care is the process of taking care of your mental, emotional, social, spiritual, and physical health. The goal of self-care is to make sure that you’re in a healthy enough state so that you can deal with your breakup.

No contact gives you time to focus on your own needs and take care of yourself. Here are some examples:

  • Mental self-care: This means making time for things that mentally stimulate you – like learning something new; It’s also about practising self-compassion and acceptance and remembering to love yourself.
  • Emotional self-care: As I mentioned earlier, it’s important to deal with your emotions which is why it’s super important to have a way to process them – whether it’s talking to a friend or family member about them or even having a chat with a therapist – set some time aside for emotional self-care.
  • Social self-care: This is all about spending time with people you love and who make you feel good. So spend some time with your family and go out with your friends. Being around them will make no contact a lot easier and will keep your mind off your Scorpio man.
  • Spiritual self-care: Whether you’re religious or not, spiritual self-care is about getting in touch with yourself and the universe on a deeper level. Whether you pray or meditate or take a long walk in nature to reconnect with mother earth, spiritual self-care is important.
  • Physical self-care: Finally, it’s vital to take care of yourself physically. This means getting 8 hours of sleep, exercising, drinking a lot of water and eating healthily.

9) Take a deep breath

I mentioned self-care above.

I’ve found that whenever I’m going through a tough time, whether it be stress at work or trouble in my relationship, one thing that really helps me get centered is working on my breath.

You can do that, right? Breathe.

A while back I found out about an incredibly invigorating breathwork video, created by the shaman Rudá Iandê.

Now I know what you’re thinking, “Shaman, is she serious?”

But take it for me, Rudá is the real deal.

He doesn’t tell you what to do, instead, he gives you the tools you need to deal with your emotions.

His breathwork video is a product of years of breathwork practice and shamanic traditions.

So if you want to keep it together while you are apart from your Scorpio man and stick to the no contact rule, take a breath.

Click here to watch Rudá’s free video.

10) Remind yourself why you’re doing this

It can be hard to remember why you’re doing the no contact rule when all you want is to get your ex back.

The best thing you can do for yourself during this period is remind yourself why you wanted to go no contact in the first place.

  • You want him to get a chance to miss you
  • You want him to think about why you broke up – What was wrong with your relationship?
  • You want some time to think and work on yourself – What do you want to change about yourself?
  • You want him to come back to you and for the relationship to work this time around

Going no contact is a lot of work, but it’s worth it in the long run. It’s essential if you want the relationship to work when he comes back.

11) Go out with your friends

After you’ve gone no contact with your ex, it’s time to go out with your friends.

Breakups are hard and they’re usually followed by weeks of moping around the house. To get back on your feet, you need to get out of the house and be around people who support you.

By going out with your friends, you’ll not only take your mind off your Scorpio man, but you also meet new people.

Meeting new people is an excellent way to distract yourself from feeling down.

The whole point is that life doesn’t stop just because of a breakup or the no contact rule, and going out with your friends will make you feel good.

What to do when no contact ends?

Now that your month of no contact is finally over, you’re probably wondering how to initiate contact with your ex.

1)  Send him a casual text

Even though the no contact period is over, it doesn’t mean that you should pick up the phone and blurt out how much you miss your Scorpio man and how much you want him back.

Be cool.

Send him a casual text to initiate contact. Here are some examples:

“Hey, how are you doing? I can’t find my Italian cookbook anywhere, did I leave it at your place by any chance? It’s driving me crazy, I really want to make that delicious bolognese.”


“Hi. It’s been a while, I hope you’re doing well. I was wondering if you remember the name of that little bed and breakfast by the lake – the one we went to last year?”

2) Don’t reply immediately

When your ex replies to you, you’ll be tempted to text him again immediately. Don’t do it. Resist the temptation.

Remember to play it cool.

Wait for a couple of hours and then reply, “Oh thank God. I thought the recipe was lost to me forever. Do you think I could pop by sometime to pick it up?”


“Oh yeah! You always did have a better memory than me. So what have you been up to?”

Get the conversation going slowly. Don’t rush anything.

3) Stay cool

Don’t get emotional. Don’t tell your ex how much you miss them and how they’re the love of your life.

Don’t ask if they’re dating. Don’t tell them how you regret the breakup.

If you do this, you might jeopardize the whole no contact month!

Keep the conversation light and casual.

4) Suggest meeting up for a coffee

Whether it’s to pick up your cookbook or to catch up, after you’ve been texting back and forth for a few days it’s time to suggest meeting up for a coffee.

Don’t rush it. I know you can’t wait to see him but you don’t want it to be too soon. Wait until it feels right. And if he’s the first to suggest meeting up, tell him you’re busy that day and suggest another time.

5) Meet up with your ex

Finally, after going no contact for a month and then slowly getting the conversation going, you get to see your Scorpio man!

But don’t get too excited. It’s just a couple of friends getting some coffee together.

You’re not there to get back together just yet. And you really shouldn’t bring up the past and the horrible things that brought about your breakup. You should catch up.

Talk about your life. Tell him what you’ve been up to. Tell him about work, travel, and anything interesting going on in your life. Let him see that your life did not stop just because you broke up.

Ask him what he’s been up to, but be careful not to seem overly interested or nosy.

The bottom line is that your first meeting should be light and positive. You should both walk away feeling good and wanting to meet up again.

And there you are, if all goes well, he should be contacting you to ask you out again soon.

Take it slow and good luck!

Final thoughts…

The no contact rule is a cornerstone of any relationship recovery strategy.

It’s the best way to get your ex back fast, while also proving to them that you’re serious about getting things on track again.

When you break up with someone, it’s natural to want them back right away. In response, most people try to call their ex, hang out with them again, or send them a million texts and emails.

This kind of frantic behavior almost always backfires because it doesn’t give your ex time to miss you and think about what they’re losing.

To get your ex back, you’ll need to follow the no contact rule, which means you’ll have to stop all communication with them.

This can be a very difficult thing to do because all you want is to call him and tell him how much you miss him.

But if you can be strong and follow the no contact rule, your Scorpio man is sure to come back to you!

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