The daily horoscope for each Zodiac sign on Tuesday, December 6, 2022

You’re not imagining it if you’ve been feeling like the energy of this week is intense… tomorrow night is a full moon in Gemini and it is stirring up some feelings.

Fortunately, this full moon is least emotional moon of the year. It also happens to be the last full moon of the year. 

Today is a good day for all of the Zodiacs to cleanse their mental and physical space. But, of course, there’s some specific things each sign needs to know… 

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Stop hiding today, Aries, and let the world see you in your power. Forget keeping yourself small and let everyone know how much you have to offer. You’ve worked so hard to get to where you are and there’s no need to dumb yourself down to ‘fit in’ with other people.

Simply put, don’t be afraid to shine bright and show people what you’re made of! This could be anything from sharing a philosophy about life to explaining the inspirations behind an artists’s work. Share your knowledge!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) 

Acknowledge the feelings of doubt you have around a relationship close to you, Taurus. You might be wondering whether a particular friend has your best intentions at heart and is someone you actually want to be around, or you could be wondering whether your partner is truly the right fit for you. 

Be honest with yourself and sit with how they’re making you feel. By allowing yourself to ‘read into’ situations and how their words and actions make you feel, you’ll be honoring yourself. 

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Brace yourself for the full moon in your house tomorrow, Gemini. It offers a chance to get super intentional about the year ahead. It’s time to think about what the new year holds for you. Ask yourself: how am I levelling up in different areas of my life? Who is the person I really want to be and what do their actions look like?

Getting clear on the new version of you will help you manifest like a pro.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Today you might feel like standing at the top of a building and shouting about how you’re feeling. Don’t suppress this urge… climb (safely) to that rooftop and shout until your heart is content. This feeling might be coming to the surface because you’ve not been honoring your voice and speaking your truth.

But by doing so, you’ll work through blocks and baggage, and come out stronger from doing so!

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

The people around you know when you’re being real and, conversely, know when you’re putting on an act. If you’re not truly happy with something, everyone knows, Leo. Today, you might be feeling a little bit fed up with having to please anyone… and people will be able to tell!

Take some time for yourself so you can process these thoughts, rather than letting them come out in the wrong way.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

It’s a good time to start thinking about who you really want in your life, Virgo. If you’ve been dating different people, today might be a good time to decide who you want to go forward with and who you should call things off with.

On the flip side, if you’re in a committed relationship, now is the time to think about whether you want to go a step further with this person. It could mean having a conversation about moving in, marriage or even kids.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Your scales might be a little out of balance today, Libra, but don’t sweat things too much. Truth is, some days are just better than others… and that’s ok. If you feel yourself getting overwhelmed at things that are on your plate – be it balancing finances, trying to plan for the future or navigating relationships around you – just take yourself away for a moment.

It’s always a good idea to set refresh with a quiet moment. Go tech-free for five minutes, you won’t regret it!

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Enjoy the simple pleasures today, Scorpio, from your morning coffee to the sun outside or tucking into your favorite snack. There are so many wonderful little moments of life, yet the little things can so easily be overlooked in life. Take some time today to cherish them. 

Truth is, the more we bring gratitude into our lives, the more we enjoy life!  

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Although you might be feeling very adventurous today, Sagittarius, make sure you think before you do. Acting on impulse isn’t always the best idea, even if some spontaneity feels fun. Ahead of getting in touch with an ex or quitting your job – or anything radical you’ve been thinking about – just stop and think about whether it’s really a good idea.

Taking a bit more time to think about your actions is the best move.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) 

People want to hear what you have to say today, Capricorn, so go ahead and put yourself out there. Your life story will help people more than you realize, so don’t hold back from sharing it with the world.

You’ll never know how much your openness or vulnerability truly will help another person. There’s no time like the present to simply just be real. 

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Bring yourself back to the present moment, Aquarius, when you find yourself feeling anxious about the future. There are lots of things we can’t control and, after all, where would the fun in life be if we could control the future?

Find what self-care methods work for you – from a massage to reading a book and putting your phone down – and fully indulge today in life as it is.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Your hard work ethic has got you this far and it’ll carry you to your next goal, Pisces. Today is a good day to start seeding your intention for what you want to achieve in the next phase of your life. 

With the full moon tomorrow evening, it’s a good time to start thinking about what the next phase of your life looks like. Take out your journal and start planning!

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