The daily horoscope for each Zodiac sign on Thursday, December 22, 2022

There’s a general feeling that we should be feeling jovial, festive and free of concerns during this time of year.

But, astrologically speaking, it can be a time of deep reflections and daily stresses can pop up across the Zodiacs.

Wondering what this means for you? This is what each sign can expect from the day ahead.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

If you’ve felt like something has been persistently on your mind, Aries, then it’s not wise to ignore it. Recently, you might have felt like the same thoughts have been running around your head… Truth is, they’re not going to go anywhere until you address them.

Today, it’s wise to confront the thoughts that are swirling. Do this by starting an empty page in your journal, and writing down the themes and thoughts that start coming up.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

So, Taurus, you should finally feel like you’re all caught up on the things you’ve been balancing. Chances are, you’ve felt like you’ve been chasing your tail and trying to catch up with things that are keeping you on your toes.

Yet a shift is happening for you now. You should be feeling a little less overwhelmed and like you’ll able to get on top of things – from your personal life to your professional, and everything in between.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini, the energy of the new lunar year is making you start questioning big things in your life. This is pretty natural from this period… But often when we try and tackle life’s big questions in one go, we don’t get very far because we go into overdrive. 

Don’t try and contemplate life’s big questions or make any significant changes today. You’re better off just making small tweaks to things right now, rather than big, sweeping changes.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer, don’t force yourself to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable today. It is often said that we should push ourselves out of our comfort zones to make things happen in our lives. However, if something really doesn’t feel right and it just feels downright uncomfortable (but not in a good way), don’t force yourself.

In other words, do what you enjoy and do it on your terms.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leo, making a good impression on others is important to you. But you don’t have anything to prove to other people… Seriously, it’s wasted energy trying to control what other people think about you because ultimately they’re going to make their own decisions, not based around the things that you tell them or show them.

Do your best today to pull back from trying to show off to people around you – from your friends and family to your colleagues.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

You might have a bit of a cloud over you today, Virgo. That cloud might be one of embarrassment or shame or a bit of judgement. Maybe you felt like you drunk too much at the Christmas party and said cringe things to a colleague, or maybe you regret the way you spoke to your partner in an argument.

It’s not helpful to dwell on these thoughts for extended periods. For respite, take a few more deep breaths than usual right now and release any heavy emotions.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Libra, are you feeling a little short on patience today? While some days you’re able to laugh things off and not sweat the small things, today you might be finding that things just keep going wrong and it’s testing you.

Pause before you react, and just try to bring back some of your lightheartedness. Although we have no control to the things that happen around us, we can control how we respond.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)

Today, Scorpio, remind yourself that you’re doing just fine and you’re where you’re supposed to be in life. If you catch your thoughts drifting to the idea that you’re not where you should be in life, just remind yourself that not every thought you have is true. 

What’s more, allow these thoughts to pass through you. Literally acknowledge it, say no thanks, and let it pass! 

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) 

Keep your feet firmly on the ground today, Sagittarius, even if your mind is taking you to various places. You still have a lot that you want to achieve before the end of the year – it’s not over yet and there are things that you would benefit from tying up before it’s up.

This doesn’t mean you have to miss out on any festivities around this holiday season; it just means that you shouldn’t let all your commitments fall by the wayside.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) 

Capricorn, it’s that time you’ve been waiting for! It’s officially your season. How does it feel? This is your time to really go deep and to think about what this next version of you looks like. Don’t limit yourself with your possibilities and the things you can do and be.

Push the boat out with your intentions and be bold… The bigger and better you go, the more the universe will reward you!

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Don’t be afraid to connect people in your network, Aquarius. By connecting other people, you’re not going to lose out on the friendships or work opportunities – you’re just going to supercharge them!

When you live in an abundance mindset, and not lack mindset, you attract more of the good stuff. But when you live in a mindset of lack and fear, well, you attract more of that. And who wants that?

Pisces (February 19 – March 20) 

Pisces, you pick up on the subtle cues. You can find yourself reading into the micro expressions and things that people say, and your mind can be overly creative in constructing narratives. For example, you might have taken someone’s comment on your group chat as an insult directed at you, or you might question if someone likes you because they leave you out of something.

Put your creative imagination to other uses and don’t dwell on trying to work out other peoples motivations and intentions… You’ll be wasting your time!

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