11 signs a shy Libra man likes you

Dating a shy Libra man can be challenging.

They are cautious, sensitive, and disinterested in quick hookups.

However, shy men still want to find partners and develop connections.

Moreover, they need to find someone with whom they can share their interests and build something more than an occasional connection.

If you are interested in someone who falls under the Libra zodiac sign, you might want to know if he likes you back.

Use these tips on how to tell if a shy Libra man likes you and crack his code before things get too awkward!

1) He’s always happy to see you

A shy Libra man will be happy to see you whenever you go to see him.

He will always be happy to catch a glimpse of you no matter what comes up or what is going on.

You will notice that he is always smiling when you are around.

He makes sure that you know how much he cares about you and how much he likes you.

However, you have to know that Libra men are shy.

Will his shyness get in the way of your budding romance? Well, if he really like you, then, no!

A shy Libra man may be a little bit shy at first, but once he gets to know you, he will start to open up and he will start to show his true self.

Shy Libra men really like to make sure that people know that they like them and that they are happy to see them.

2) He can’t help but stare at you when you’re not looking

When a Libra man likes you, he can’t help but stare at you when you’re not looking.

This is because he loves to look at you and admire how beautiful you are.

Since he’s such a shy guy, he might get nervous when he’s around you, so he’ll be looking at you in order to calm his nerves.

He’ll want to look at your lovely face and gorgeous body whenever he can, so be prepared for him to sneakily look at you when you’re not looking.

If you sense someone looking at you, it could be your shy Libra man.

When a shy Libra man likes you, he’ll definitely be showing his interest in many ways.

He’ll probably stare at you while he smiles and he will definitely try to talk to you whenever he gets the chance.

As shy as he is, give him a chance and make him feel comfortable.

3) He blushes or gets tongue-tied around you

When a Libra man likes you, he will likely blush or get tongue-tied around you.

This is a sign that he is nervous and shy. He might also find himself babbling on and on without making sense.

This is because he is trying to impress you and show you how smart and interesting he is.

But even with the blabber, he will likely be very charming and polite.

When a Libra man likes you, it’s easy to tell. But is it really?

Well, if you’d like an advice tailored to your unique situation, then I suggest you seek help from a gifted advisor.

A gifted advisor can answer all sorts of questions and give you the guidance you’re searching for.

Questions like, “Does this Libra man like me?” “Are the things he’s showing proof that he wants me too?”.

When I spoke to someone from Psychic Source after going through a rough patch in my relationship, they really helped me out. After months of not feeling like myself, I was finally able to see my situation with better clarity and direction.

Not to mention, I was extremely impressed by how kind, empathetic and understanding of my unique situation they were.

Click here to get your own reading.

In a reading, an gifted advisor can tell you whether that certain Libra man likes you, and most importantly, empower you to make the right decisions when it comes to your life.

4) You catch him daydreaming about you

Libra men are dreamers, and one of their favorite fantasies is the ideal relationship.

Of course, in reality very few relationships are perfect, but Libra men will happily pretend that yours is.

This means that when you first start dating, a Libra man may spend a lot of time daydreaming about you.

He may find himself fantasizing about all the wonderful things that could be possible with you in his life.

He might start to daydream about all of the fun things that you could do together, or all the romantic things he could do to woo you.

He may even start fantasizing about the future, imagining what your wedding might look like or how many children you might have together.

Libra men like to live in their imaginations, so if you want to impress him you need to show him that you can fit into his fantasy world.

How? Allow him to daydream about your life together.

5) He goes out of his way to do things for you

A Libra man is likely to be a gentle and caring person, who is always ready to lend a helping hand.

When he likes you, he will go out of his way to do things for you.

He may offer to pick you up from work or drive you home when you are sick.

He will also be happy to carry your bags or help you carry boxes.

He may even help you move house if you need it.

Take it from me. If he tirelessly helps you out, then chances are, he really likes you.

6) He always wants to know how you’re doing

A Libra man is likely to want to know how you are doing even if he doesn’t necessarily ask you.

He will be looking for signs that show how you’re feeling and will be more likely to make an effort to see you if he knows that you’re feeling down or stressed.

If he does ask you, then this is a sign that he is really interested in getting to know you better.

He may not always say what he’s thinking, but he’ll always try to make sure that you’re happy and comfortable.

You can count on a Libra guy to be a sweet and caring friend who will be there for you through thick and thin.

If they like you, they’ll do everything they can to get to know you better and learn more about what makes you tick.

If you’re interested in a Libra guy, then the best thing you can do is just be yourself.

7) He gets jealous when you talk to other guys

Libra men are more likely to get jealous or possessive if they really like you.

This is because the Libra man is a very loyal and faithful person, and he’s not likely to want to share his new girlfriend with anyone else.

If he sees you spending time with another guy, or if he sees you posting pictures of you and other men on social media, he’s going to get suspicious and jealous.

And if he’s truly in love with you, he’ll feel like he has a right to be jealous, even if it’s unreasonable.

But of course, he is shy so he won’t likely tell you about what he is feeling. You’ll just notice that he’s silent and sad and he won’t even tell you why.

This could be a problem in the long run. It’s hard to know what a shy Libra man is thinking.

If you need help to deduce the reasons as to why your Libra man might seem quiet and a bit angry then you need to talk to the best people.

I mentioned earlier how speaking to a gifted advisor can reveal the truth about the feelings of a Libra man.

Rather than just analyzing the signs in the hopes of getting answers, a gifted advisor can give you real clarity on your situation.

And the best part of speaking to the folks at Psychic Source?

Not only can they give you guidance on how to know if a Libra man likes you, but they can empower you to make the right decisions when it comes to your love life.

Click here to get your own love reading.

8) He’s always trying to make you laugh

When a shy Libra man likes you, he will try to make you laugh.

He’ll do anything to make you smile because he loves your cute giggle.

He wants to see you happy and knows how to cheer you up when you’re feeling down.

It may take him a while to warm up to you, but once he does, you’ll never be able to stop laughing.

Just imagine how every moment with him is a pleasure since his sense of humor is off the charts!

9) He loves spending time with you

When a Libra man starts to fall for you, he’ll want to spend more and more time with you.

He’ll want to share all of his favorite activities with you. He’ll want to take you out to dinner, go on walks together, and talk all night long.

He’ll want to do everything he can to make you feel loved and special.

He’ll want to show you off to the world and make sure that everyone knows how lucky he is to have found you.

But a Libra man doesn’t just like spending time with you because he wants to show off his new girlfriend or because he’s bored and looking for something to do.

A Libra man likes spending time with you because he genuinely enjoys being in your company.

He loves listening to your stories and getting lost in conversation with you.

10) He can’t stop thinking about you

When a Libra man likes you, he’ll be unable to stop thinking about you.

He’ll find himself constantly wondering what makes you tick and what you’re doing at any given moment.

Wherever he may be, at school, at work, or even at home, thoughts of you will flood his mind.

He’ll want to know everything about you and he’ll probably spend a lot of time Googling you to learn more about your background.

People may notice that he keeps mentioning your name every now and then. That is a sure sign he is thinking about you.

You might be surprised he knows a lot of things about you like your favorite color, movie, music, etc.!

11) He tells you he loves you

When a Libra man likes you, he will tell you that he cares deeply for you and that he wants to be with you.

Even when he’s shy, he will say it to your face and in front of your friends.

When a Libra man likes you, he wants everyone to know it. He wants everyone to know that he has found the one.

He is always thinking of ways to make you happy.

He wants to do everything he can to make sure that you are smiling and laughing all the time.

When a Libra man loves you, he wants to take care of you and make sure that all of your needs are being met.

He wants to be there for you whenever you need him.


I hope you got some useful insights from this article. If Libra men like you, you will most likely feel it.

Keep in mind, though, that a shy Libra guy may not show as much interest as he really does.

If he’s always been shy around you, you may even wonder if he’s interested in you at all!

But do not worry! There is something you can do to make sure.

I mentioned Psychic Source earlier. They’ve consistently helped me in the past when I’ve felt stuck in a rut.

That’s why I always recommend them to anyone facing issues with knowing if a man likes them for real. Their advisors can help you get to the root of your problems and guide you in making empowered decisions about your future.

When I got recently signed up for a love reading, I was blown away by how kind and genuinely helpful they were.

Click here to get your own love reading.

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