13 clear signs a Leo man likes you through texting

You know those times when you’re just not sure if the guy you like likes you back?

Most of us have been there.

Are you looking for signs a Leo man likes you through texting? Keep reading to find out!

1) He compliments you via text

At the very simplest level, if you’ve been in touch with a Leo man via texting and he’s been pretty complimentary about you, this could be a sign he likes you.

However, if you’ve been texting regularly with a Leo man whose compliments are pretty general (for example, he tells you how great you are, but he doesn’t talk about any specific qualities he really admires or values in you), this may just be a friend-like level of appreciation for you – not a romantic one.

If he compliments you in a genuine, specific, and heartfelt way, this could be a sign he likes you.

For example, if he tells you how much he likes your smile and then talks about why he appreciates it, that’s a great sign he may be more into you than just a platonic friend.

Now: the thing is, Leos are not always super romantic in the way they text, even when they are into you, so I wouldn’t take this sign as the only one you base your conclusion on.

You see, even if a Leo is head over heels in love with you, they might hold back via text (which is surprising, given their extroverted nature).

This is because, for a Leo, it’s about the quality and not the quantity of their relationship with you.

To sum up: if he compliments you in a genuine way (not just “you’re great!”), this could be a sign he likes you.

If he compliments you in a specific way (for example, “I like your smile because it shows how much you appreciate life and makes me want to be near you more often”), this is an even better sign that he is into you.

2) He responds to your texts quickly

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