It truly is a time for new beginnings with the new moon entering Aries today.
The new moon shall bring us all clarity in our lives and bring us all wisdom on the matters of the heart. This is a time for starting anew, for commitments, and for taking leaps of faith.
To learn what this means for your sign, read more below!
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
The new moon moves into your very own first house of the self, dear Aries, and it brings the magic of new beginnings with it. If a previous love affair or relationship has ended badly, it doesn’t mean you can’t start anew—there’s always a second chance, a possibility of a better relationship, so don’t deny yourself that. With Neptune in your house of endings, you might find that it is a good idea to change your attitude about ending chapters. You will soon realize that there can’t be no beginning without an ending, and this will make it easier to let go.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Taurus, the new moon in Aries gives us all the gift of beginning anew, and with Venus in your first house of the self, you’ve never been more inclined with giving yourself the love and care you deserve. Love is not dead, and the love you have for yourself in this new moon is living proof. So take yourself out on dates, get back into your old hobbies and watch all your favorite movies. You’ve been taking care of others for so long, and now it’s time for you to do the same for yourself!
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Gemini, the new moon gives us all the opportunity to start fresh, and with the moon in your 3rd house of the mind, you find yourself pondering about the past, the mistakes you’ve done, and what you could’ve done better. But instead of thinking about what could’ve been, channel this energy into thinking about what you could do better in the future. Venus in your 12th house of endings keeps you thinking about all your past relationships that have ended, but this new moon, it is best for you to think ahead instead. There’s so many people you haven’t met yet who are going to love you so much, Gemini, so don’t get caught up in the past.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
The new moon shines its silver light down on your 4th house of the self, dearest Cancer, and this means it’s time for you to go back to your roots. If you’ve been away from your partner for a while, it’s time for you to come home to them. Being reunited will make you feel refreshed and rejuvenated. In the exhausting, unsleeping hustle and bustle of the world, your partner is your rest, your home —and being reunited with them this new moon will bring you this comfort that you so deserve.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Your life is about to turn into a romance film, Leo. The new moon has flapped its silver wings and landed onto your 5th house of romance, which means some new romance is about to be ignited. Before you know it, a rom-com boy or girl will show up at your door with a bouquet; your lying on the grass on a chilly night, stargazing with them; and your making out at the back of your car in a parking lot, high with the thrill of new romance. Revel in this energy, Leo. You deserve it.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Have you been waiting for a healthy, stable, and secure love life, Virgo? Well, this might just be what the new moon has in store for you. With the new moon in your 8th house and Venus in your romantic zone, you’re about to receive the kind of love you’ve always wanted. The one that doesn’t keep you on your toes, second-guessing; the one where you don’t always have to guess their intentions, because it’s as clear as a sunny, summer sky. While there might be challenges along the way, this kind of love will survive it, so long as you’re together.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Libra, the new moon has landed onto your 7th house of romance, and it whispers in your ear: it’s time—time for new beginnings, for new relationships, and new commitments—and there’s no better timing for you to finally commit to a relationship. If you’ve been waiting to finally ask out a crush, or to ask a person you’ve been seeing to officially be your partner, this new moon is the perfect time. With the lucky Jupiter in the same house, you’re sure to be blessed by the universe with good news if you finally take that leap of faith.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)
Scorpio, the moon shines down on your 6th house today, and you’re ready to share yourself with another more than ever. Perhaps you’ve been closed off in the past; perhaps the walls you’ve built around yourself are high and made of iron; but now, you’re finally letting your guard down and you’re ready to let someone in. The new moon signifies a new beginning for you—another chance to love again. But, at the end of the day, it’s still up to you whether or not to take this chance.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
The new moon fills you with new wisdom about love today, dear archer. Venus makes you wonder if intimacy is all about sex…or if it can actually exist outside of it. You discover that you find other, more meaningful means to connect other than being physical. You learn that there’s beauty in connecting emotionally as well, and you strive to do that with your new romantic partners.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Capricorn, the new moon glimmers in its silver light in your 4th house of home and family. Venus in the 5th house tells you that you’re looking for a new life partner—one who makes you feel at ease with your true self, who makes you feel at home when you’re with them. The new moon shows you that this is the perfect time to begin the search. With Saturn in your 3rd house of the mind, it’s better for you to rely on your instinct, to look inward, than to rely on luck. As with everything else, your big brain is your biggest asset when it comes to the love department.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
The new moon has landed on your 3rd house of the mind, dear Aquarius, and it blesses you with new wisdom. You are about to find clarity in your love life, and Venus tells you you’ll find the answer when you come home. What “coming home” means depends on you. Does this mean going back to your roots, to your family? But then, who do you think of when you think of the word “family?” Try not to overthink it, Aquarius. Sometimes, the answer isn’t in your head, but in your heart.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Pisces, the moon is on your 2nd house of ownership today, and it tells you to own your feelings. Perhaps you feel ashamed over your romantic feelings for someone, or you feel shame in your sexual desires…but the moon is now telling you that it is time for you to own it. Take ownership of your feelings, your emotions, and your body. If you feel you’ve been losing yourself lately, this is how you take back control.