Daily Love Horoscope: April 25, 2023 | Your Zodiac

In spite of the Mercury retrograde, the universe blesses us all with emotional strength, discipline, and a sense of responsibility when the mystical Moon trines sensible Saturn at 6:47 AM EDT. This gives us all the strength to nurture our relationships, both romantic and platonic, even while Mercury is in her period of retrograde.

To learn how your individual sign can channel this emotional strength in different areas of your life today, read more below. 


Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Aries, when the Moon blows kisses to prudent Saturn today, you have a certain longing for your family—but you also recognize the subconscious, toxic behaviors they’ve caused and the emotional baggage they have given you. Truly, you have so much love for your family, but you also recognize that there are certain things you have to unlearn from the way they’ve raised you, and today is the day you finally start unlearning them. You face your difficult truths, you unpack years and years of emotional baggage, and maybe even seek the guidance of a therapist to help you get well. You know that two things can be true at once, which is why you love your family, acknowledge their efforts in raising you, while still recognizing that they didn’t do a perfect job doing that—and it’s neither your or their fault, but it’s your responsibility to make an effort to heal from it.


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus, today is a day to sit down with friends and have adult conversations as the Moon gives Saturn a warm, mystical embrace. There might be some issues that you’d like to unfold and resolve, the ones that feel like a huge elephant in the room every time you meet. However, remember that having problems doesn’t always have to signal the end of the friendship—who knows? Maybe surviving these challenges can make the bond even stronger. Take caution, however, because mental Mercury is still in retrograde and your judgment and communication skills are not at their best right now. It is possible to have a healthy conversation, just remember not to get overcome with emotion when sensitive issues are at hand. 


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini, you’ve been spoiling yourself lately, trying to check out all the items in your cart guilt-free, because you know you’ve worked hard and you deserve this. However, as the Moon meets Saturn in a delicate dalliance, you’re reminded to be responsible. You want to satisfy your material desires, but of course, you have limitations set in place. We’re going through a retrograde right now and money is a little tight, and having a sense of financial responsibility will make it a little easier for you to go through this retrograde period, so try to have separate allocations for your wants and your needs as much as you can. Self-love doesn’t always mean spending money you don’t have in the guise of satisfying your inner child—it also means being responsible enough to save for the rainy days and for your future self. 


Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer, when the Moon meets Saturn in a trine today, you might find some emotional satisfaction through philosophical deliberation. You like to ponder about the meaning of life, to question your own beliefs from time to time, and the point is not to arrive at a sensible answer—the process is always more meaningful than the end result. You might even find yourself wondering about love, about why we fall in love with others and sometimes fall out of it. However, because Mercury is in retrograde, know that some of these thoughts might be very inaccurate right now, so don’t get too pessimistic. 


Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leo, as the Moon blows kisses toward Saturn today, you connect more with your subconscious thoughts and desires and what holds you back from fostering intimacy in your relationships. Do you fear losing control? Getting close enough to someone that the possibility of getting hurt gets higher? Losing your friends and maybe your partner when they see you for all that you are, flaws and all? Whatever these issues are, you’re tackling them head-on today even when you’re afraid. Remember, Leo, you don’t have to be perfect to be loved. You just have to be true to yourself.


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo, when the Moon gives Saturn a warm embrace today, you look to your friends for emotional guidance for your relationship issues. If you’re committed, there might be some issues between you and your partner that you’re not sure how to resolve. In fear of losing them, you turn to your trusted friends for advice. On the other hand, if you’re single, you might be starting to believe the problem is you, and you’re either asking for validation from your friends or trying to find out what, truly, is wrong with you. Whatever these are, as long as you allow yourself to be vulnerable with your friends, I’m sure you’ll find the answer soon enough.


Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Libra, today you look at your career and status for emotional gratification, but when the Moon trines Saturn, you’re gently pushed to ponder what this is doing for your health. Are you relying too much on your career and work reputation for your self-esteem? Do you feel like a failure every time you face a setback at work? Healthy boundaries must be set between your personal and professional life, Libra, and your self-worth should not depend solely on your career and status. You’re not your failures, Libra, and you’re still worthy of love even without the awards and shiny accolades.


Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)

Scorpio, you have a certain unquenchable thirst for adventure, for fun, and for always trying something new, but today, when the Moon meets Jupiter in a trine, you’re not sure you have the energy to do this right now. Today you’re a little more serious and responsible. If you’re the creative type, you might even feel a little uninspired. Don’t worry, though, those creative juices will come flowing back once Saturn’s transit is over, so you don’t have to be too afraid of losing your fun little spirit for a while. It will come back re-energized soon enough. 


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) 

Sagittarius, when the Moon engulfs Saturn in a warm hug today, you feel yourself craving for intimacy, but you’re not sure you’re in the mood for love. If you’re single, you might find yourself thinking about how exhausting talking stages are. How you really don’t want to subject yourself to the torture of modern dating right now. But you really want somebody to love, somebody to hold at night, because you’re tired of feeling lonely. If you’re committed, you might find yourself missing the thrill of finding new love, even though you know you’re happy in the relationship. Don’t worry, though. These feelings are as ephemeral as a snow on the first day of spring, and soon enough you’ll find happiness, with or without romantic love.


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) 

Capricorn, when the Moon meets Saturn in a trine today, you look for emotional validation in your relationships, but you’re not sure how to communicate your needs. In fear of being needy, you end up tongue-tied every time you try to talk. A gentle reminder for you that having needs doesn’t equate to being needy. You’re anxious that you’ll scare them away when you open up, because you’ve always been used to taking care of other people and not really to the feeling of having them take care of you. But don’t be afraid of communicating your needs to the people you love, Capricorn, let your loved ones return the support and caring that you constantly give them, because you’re worthy of it.


Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius, today, you don’t care much for romance as you chase after financial stability when the Moon meets Saturn in a trine. This is because you know that when you get that financial safety net, everything else follows. We must put in the work to have good emotional, mental, and even physical health and well-being, but you also know it’s hard to do that with little to no resources. You know that our world revolves around money, which is why you know you must work hard to finally achieve that stability you dream of. Your version of self-love is working hard today so your future self can live a more comfortable life, and your grit is truly admirable.


Pisces (February 19 – March 20) 

Pisces, romantic energy fills your heart today when the Moon meets Saturn in a trine. However, as Saturn visits your 1st house of the self, you’re reminded to love yourself as much as you love everybody else around you. If you’re committed, Saturn reminds you to give yourself the same tender love and care that you give your partner. On the other hand, if you’re single, you’re reminded that you don’t have to find romance to feel loved. Other forms of love surround us all the time, whether that’s familial love or platonic love. If you’re feeling lonely, look at your friends and family and see how much they love you. Not having a partner right now doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be loved, Pisces, because you’ve always been worthy of love.

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